I checked the weather and was happy to see I would be beating the possible rain that would descend later in the day but had no idea I would be almost blown away! The last 7 miles was me running directly into the wind. It felt like someone was standing in front of me pushing on my shoulders. Ha, on the bright side my calves got a great workout.
After coming home and rolling around on the couch dozing while watching an episode of "Biggest Loser," (I am catching up, don't spoil it for me!) I decided to make my way to the gym to finish my workout.
45 mins of weights - back & shoulders. And probably another 10 mins of standing around talking to Janae. Good thing she had to peace out or I could have talked her ear off.
Ben and I hit up the WinCo later and right as I walked in the door, rows of BERRIES were starring at me! I.LOVE.BERRIES. They had raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and strawberries. Needless to say, I purchased all of the above.
And they were delicious.
I am starting a nasty little habit. "Nasty" in the true sense of the word. After my workout of Saturdays I have zero motivation to take a shower and get dressed. I mean, running errands is so much comfier (don't judge my spelling, I slaughter the english language) in spandex and running shoes. Life is just gooooood. I would way rather be running around in my gym clothes, CLEARLY showing to everyone "this girl is not even trying" than take a shower and put some dumpy outfit on and be uncomfortable/annoyed at it all day. Sorry Ben, but this is becoming a pattern.
First few times I tried to act cute, like I just forgot when around 5pm Ben asks if I am going to shower. "Who me!?!" But I am beginning to have no shame.
So here I am in all my "It's 10pm on Saturday night and I haven't washed my face" glory... savor it.
Before you judge, Ben does make me take a shower before getting in bed. Rude. Kinda spoils my fun.
Dear Ben,
Promise to only keep this a Saturday thing and continue looking like your wife all other 6 days of the week. Well... at least while I still work at a real job. After that, I can't make any promises.
I am going to need to invest in expanding my workout clothing selection. Sh!
Do you ever feel silly wearing your workout clothes all day? Or do you just embrace it!?
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