Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sneaky bugs!

Do bugs ever try to get you!?!
Like sneak up in your food and hide there until you shriek like a little girl because you almost touched them!?!
Yeah, this giant grubby bug sure woke me up when I found him. 
He totally ate up my whole napa cabbage too! 
That stinker.

That killed my appetite for cabbage anything. Yuck!

So I sauteed some jicama and had eggs instead.
Much better!
I am always bummed when I go to use produce I just bought from the store and it is bad. Sometimes you just can't tell! Especially with melons. I am not an expert picking them out but I think no matter what it's just the luck of the draw. When you pay like $8-$10 for something (like a watermelon) and you chop it open and it is no good it is such a bummer!

Call me a cheap skate, but I have been known to take my receipts back to the grocery store and get my money back or a replacement item. Surprisingly grocery stores are pretty nice about it! 

Have you ever returned produce at the grocery store?
That was kind of an embarrassing admission. I don't know why I tell you these things. Don't hate, I spend a LOT of money on my produce.

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