Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Christmas x 3 & Bread Recipe

Weights - Biceps/Triceps

Incline Dumbbell Curl
Preacher Curl
Cable Curl
Hammer Curl
Concentration Curl

Skull Crusher
Triceps Pulldown
Triceps Push-up
Single Arm Overhead Triceps Extension

1 min Plank (x3)
15 Bicycle Crunches (x5)
15 Ball Crunches (x5)

Each bicep and triceps exercise was done in 3 sets of 15 reps each.

Tomorrow I am going running! I REALLY am excited. I miss my early morning runs!

Okay, now for the 3 wonderful things!

#1. Ben has been officially sworn into the Navy! Ah! He signed our lives away in blood... dun dun duuunnnnn. Really though, that is fabulous news. We should find out soon when he will be going to officer boot camp.

"His" and "Hers" treats were in order.
Can you guess which one was mine? ;)

#2. This came in the mail!
It's more magically than I even knew!

#3. I can now share my little secret with you! Well... it's not a secret anymore, because I have officially turned my two weeks notice in. Yup, I am QUITTING MY JOB! Yes... my day job is no more. I have 6 days left of acutal work... count them! Cause I am, are you kidding me? There will be much celebration.

I am a hairdresser at heart. Remember my cute little salon in my house?

I LOVE working with people and making them feel beautiful and wonderful about themselves. It's a creative outlet for me and honestly, it ALWAYS puts me in a good mood. :) I love my clients and I love getting to chat with them. So, I am super excited I will get to spend more time doing that and spending more time with you all! Two of my FAVORITE things.

As for the rest of my new found freedom, we will be trying to live it up this summer as much as possible. Going on a vacation, weekend getaways, lots of time to be active (aka- workout to my hearts content), family reunions and spending lots of time together before the Navy steals Ben away for 3 months.

Life is gonna be pretty great!

Recipe time!

Here is the recipe Ben has perfected for making perfect whole wheat bread in our bread machine. I have said it be before, but I will say it again. When I try to make it, it is no where NEAR as good as when Ben does. Now that I finally got him to write it down... maybe I will have better success.

Of  course, if it ain't broke don't fix it right? I love having my hubby make the bread.
So maybe I won't ever be able to quite master it... hmm... haha.


-1 1/4 Cup Water
-2 1/2 tsp Salt 
-2 Cups Whole Wheat (be generous)
-2 Tbsp Olive Oil
-2 Tbsp Honey 
-2 Tbsp Wheat Gluten
-1 Additional Cup Whole Wheat
-2 1/2 tsp Active Yeast

Put ingredients in the bread maker in this exact order then put the bread maker on its "Basic" setting and hit start! 

Those are Ben's EXACT instructions. So apparently it is just that easy. :) 

Oh the JOYS of a bread maker. It's like a washing machine, just throw it in and forget about it. Yeah, we could be really hard core and pound it out by hand, but if you saw the amount of bread this boy could eat... you would think again. 

Store bought bread just isn't the same since we have been consistently making our own. And really... there is NOTHING like cutting the top piece off of a piping hot loaf of bread and SMEARING it with jam. Not to mention how AMAZING it makes your house smell.

Do you LOVE your day job? 
Is it a necessary evil?
Not gonna lie... the 3 1/2 years I have been at this job have been... a TRIAL in MANY ways. I only expected to be here a year... oops. Life happens right? I know I am stronger for it though and have learned a LOT about myself. 

What has your job taught you about yourself???
-Patience is not one of my innate virtures, I am working on it. 
-I don't handle being constantly interrupted well. I never realized how much I need peace and quiet. -And, if I work in an office again, I NEED a window. My office was like a closet.

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