Thursday, April 21, 2011

Race Q&A

5.23 mile run
45 min weights - chest/back/shoulders

When you can't run, or more like you shouldn't, it can be an opportunity in disguise. I have tried to use my pre-race and post-race tapering to really focus on other areas of fitness. Like hammering in on upper body weight training, getting lots of rest and watching my nutrition. 

If you are going through a taper or getting over an injury, instead of dwelling on the activity you CAN'T do, focus on what you CAN! This could be sleep and stretching, stregnth training, nutrition, etc.

I have kept my routine with getting up early and getting to the gym, even if only to do 45 minutes or so of upper body weight training. When I can't do cardio (cause the leggies need a break) it is easy to just blow off going to the gym at all. Because what will noodling around with weights for less than an hour REALLY do for me?

It will do A LOT! You will feel so much better that you got up and did something and sticking to your sleep schedule will help make you feel better. (I know when my scheduleg gets off track I feel like a lazy blob. Yucky.) It also keeps me from staying up to late, which only results in more snacking and hence feeling ickier later.

I was thinking about all this at the gym this morning while I was going through my workout. I can notice a difference in my arms and shoulders from my channeled running energy.

With my nutrition, I have kept an eye on carbs and made sure I got LOTS of protein. I have been starting my morning with my usually protein shake, had fresh produce for a snack (carrots, apples, etc), and a salad for lunch most days. Dinner has varied and I get some carbs in there, but make sure there is lots of "GREENERY" on my plate too.

A combination of these things has made a big difference! Mentally, physically and even improving other areas of my body more than before.

Are you in a tapering rut? Are you getting over being injured? 
What are you doing to keep yourself on track?

I had some questions from readers...

Q: How do you fuel for a race?

I am all about not eating anything "new" or crazy the day before a race or the acutal race day. So if we go out to eat the day before, I stick with things that are Normal Nellie for my body. I don't get Asian noodles or Indian curry the night before. Consequently most of this food will look VERY familiar.

*PRE-RACE (Day before)*

Lunch was Whole Foods Salad/Hot bar. Delish!
Protein, veggies and some carbs on the side.
Then I snacked on some of these...
And later had this for dinner.
BBQ Pork 1/2 Sandwich with pineapple, little fresh salsa on the side with some yummy Spicy Brown Sugar Carrots.
 For dessert I had 2 pieces of this...
Homemade Whole Wheat Bread, PB, bananas and honey.
And I was full!

So I kept my meals normal all day and then ate a little extra at dinner and had as much bread as I wanted. I was very FULL but not STUFFED.


First thing in the morning, I mean literally, as soon as my alarm goes off, I walk downstairs and eat my breakfast. In the past I have even put protein bars right my by bed so I could just roll over and eat them half asleep. I eat IMMEDIATELY when I get up for a race, then I go about getting ready after that. I want my breakfast to have time to digest most of the way and be in my system ready to be burned up by the time the race starts. You don't want anything rattling around your tummy.
Protein Shake - Protein, 1/2 banana, 1 TB chia seed, 1/4 cup almond milk, cinnamon, vanilla and water. Sandwich? You guessed it, more PB, banana and honey. 
I didn't repeat that on purpose, I just really like it. ;)

Waiting for the race to start I munched on a couple GU Energy Chomps, took some Beta Alanine and sipped on some water.
Beta Alanine helps prevent muscle fatigue, which helps increase your aerobic endurance.
Not something you need to take unless you are running pretty long. I only use it on runs 18+ miles.

During the actual race I go with gels. They are easy to eat fast and move on. Personally I also feel like they hit my blood stream faster than chews etc. It's just personal preference, so find what you like and stick with that. Everyone is different.

I am not going to list 50 gels and tell you the pros and cons of them all... but I WILL say one thing. They are all about the same to me, just gag them down if you have to, but I recently found one that dare I say, is REALLY good?!?
Powerade Strawberry Banana Gel. Not so sickeningly sweet and I like the consistancy better. They are the best I have tried BY FAR. I will be purchasing these in bulk now.
Those 4 gels pictured were consumed at miles 8, 13, 19, and 22.
I drink Gatorade/Powerade at every water station unless I am taking a gel, then I will just have water.

If a race hands out bananas or oranges, I will eat pieces of that too, so that varies.

After crossing the finish line there was slim pickins for lactose intolerant peeps, so I grabbed 2 oranges and ate those right away. If there had of been more choices for me, I would have eaten more there. The chocolate milk, cookies, Creamies, rolls and salty chips looked good.

My post-race meal was at Red Robin, Bacon Cheeseburger with Avocado. 
You can eat whatever you want now. Just don't wait too long and make sure it has some good protein and carbs.
When I got home I had a recovery drink of Gatorade and Glutamine.
 Later on I also had 30 Second Chicken Salad and popcorn.
I hope that is helpful!

My advice is it eat smart and make sure you look at your food as FUEL. Ask yourself if it is going to help you power through your race. If not... maybe you shouldn't eat that donut... yet. Just wait till after the race. :)
Q: What kind of shoes do you use? What do you recommend?

My favorite right now is the Saucony Kinvara.

My go to shoe, which never fails is always the Mizuno Wave Precision.

I also have had a couple pairs of Asics Gel-Speedstars  which I have also been happy with.

Check out my new Gear Love page at the top for more info on shoes and other running goodies.


Q: What training plans do you use?

Hal Higdon posts his free training plans online. You can see them here.  I use these and then tailor them to my training schedule and how I want to personally prepare. 

He has several, so you can choose one depending on your level of running.

In other news...

I will be doing a GIVEAWAY soon!

Once we reach 100 followers, we will have a little celebration. More of a "thank you" to all of you who are reading and show how much fun I have had getting to know you!

It will be full of some of my favorite things... things YOU will love too!

If you are not a follower already you can click the button off to the right side to become one! If you are a tweeter, we can also keep in touch there too! LOVE you guys!

Do you have any other fun questions for me?!

Are you in an injury/race recovery rut?!? 
What are you doing to stay positive and on track???

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