Friday, June 17, 2011

Simple Pleasures

6 mile run
60 min spin class

Days like today are the BEST workouts. I got in a great workout and felt like I could just go forever! I love when you end your workout feeling totally energized and pumped for the day. Though, days like today I have to stop myself from heading back out to rack up a few more miles. ;)

Now for a list of some of the simple pleasures I am enjoying right now!

-Organizing my closet by throwing some things out
Unfortunately the organization bug hit me about 11:30pm and I starting going through all my old clothes and organizing in categories everything that was left. 

Result? Awesomeness, and I am proud to say that it is STILL just as organized. That is just as much of an accomplishment.
-Eating a big pile of jicama chips. Mmmmm... I might have to make another big pile, I can't get enough.
-The amazing view on my run this morning. Perfect temperature and beautiful sunny view of the city. Perfect way to start the day.
-A mini shoulder rub from Ben just now. I think I melted just a little.
-A long HOT shower. I considered just lounging on my bed in my robe for a few hours, I was so relaxed. I know I would never have gotten the will power to get dressed then. Ha.
-The increase in energy I have today! Hopefully this is a turn for the better and I won't feel so drained all the time. You never think of that as something you take for granted.
-Super fast internet! We got ours upgraded! Yeah!
-Eating fresh produce from my little garden!
-And GREAT hugs from Ben!

Sometimes the littlest things make the biggest difference and mean the most to us! After not seeing Ben for 2 1/2 days when I was spending time with my mom at my parents house, maybe that made everything just a little bit sweeter after being away. :)

What are you enjoying today!?!

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