Sunday, May 22, 2011

How to make you anniversary week memorable

I know you are thinking, "Holley... how do you keep that spark alive? How do you make your anniversary one you will never forget?" 

Well I've got the answers. If you want to be REALLY romantic, go ahead and take some advice from me.

First, start celebrating a day early and have your husband weed the lawn while you clean out the entire kitchen. Go through all your cupboards and consolidate your stuff. Then create a whole NEW mess by all the cleaning you have done. Leave that mess there for 3-4 days until you convince your spouse to finally pack it up for you.

Then the day OF your anniversary get really romantic. Start early and go through your ENTIRE house! Find things to give away to charity and to toss in the trash. Don't forget to organize everything along the way. Don't worry, this will take the WHOLE day so you won't run out of fun any time soon. The attic and the basement are the best parts so make sure you remember those too!

Give your spouse a little gift of letting him keep more textbooks than you could ever read in a lifetime. He is telling the truth when he says he NEEDS them all. If you don't feel like that is enough of a gift, remember the stack upstairs that is just about as big too. He will love you for sure!

Finish off all your organization by creating and leaving mess piles throughout the house for 1-2 days. These will remind you of all the fun times you had! Leave that pile of things to take to charity by the door so you can't reach your purse for a few days. It's fun to stretch over it all and try to grab it!

Keep it fresh by finding new places to eat because your dining table is full of random objects!

 A key to romance is quality time alone together. Don't leave your house for a few days because of the non-stop rain that has been going for days. 

At the end of your full filled day jump in that shower and put on something sexy and wow him for sure! It's a great idea to keep it natural without make-up, give it a try!

This is the perfect time for him to tell you how beautiful you are!
He will probably get you flowers and write you a handmade card because he is so impressed.

Then set out for a hot date on the couch in your pajamas watching a movie from the Red Box. Being too tired to do anything else is how you know you lived it up on your special day!

Now don't remember to do everything you meant to on the actual DAY of your anniversary. Make him breakfast in bed the NEXT day. That is more fun.

Run random errands together like to drop off all your trash, turn in your passport application, go to the store and to the pawn shop! Finding treasures you can pawn is a fun activity together!

Don't forget to CLEAN the whole house now that you organized it and made a mess of the whole thing by doing so. This includes weeding, sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, mopping, cleaning 2 bathrooms, scrubbing a tub, cleaning the kitchen, doing laundry, running to the store, killing bugs and cooking lots of meals.

Remember the more FUN you have the more you will look back and love it.

Then when you feel like you can't possibly handle anymore fun, and trust me I don't think I can, go do something boring and catch a movie. It's important to keep it realistic. You can't have a party everyday so get back to real life. 

If you want to use some of my tips please do! I don't want you to miss out on having a memorable anniversary week!

Okay, okay. Enough of the sarcasm. We did get a TON done this week but I am not trying to make you feel bad for us, I just think it is funny. We are the experts at romance right?!? We are going to celebrate when we go on vacation soon. I would much rather spend our cash on having a little extra fun there so we are looking forward to that.

Have you been to a pawn shop before? Did you feel shady being in them???
I admit I felt totally weird. Like we were selling things we stole or that we were selling off our stuff to fill some addiction we had. I realize there is nothing wrong with them and they serve a purpose but maybe it was just the WALLS of guns that made me feel shady and the ROWS of jewelry that made me feel a little sad.

When you "organize" your house do you feel like you just end up making more messes?
I do. It's like you have to make a BIGGER mess before you can get rid of all the other messes. Then clean those up and THEN clean the actual living space. The gift that keeps on giving.

What did YOU accomplish this week?
Enough said. I am SO happy to start of the week with a clean house and all this behind me!

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