Saturday, May 21, 2011

Some Favs!

Here are some things I am LOVING right now!

1. Remember this top I got at the SLC Marathon expo? 

Well I love it. I mostly got it as a cover up shirt to throw on after runs etc but I wore it to the gym today and it was super comfy! I usually can't STAND sleeves when working out but these didn't bother me at all.

2. My little garden is starting to grow! Thanks to the CRAZY non-stop rainy weather we have been having, those little buds are just popping right up!

3. Having my hair did (Yes, I meant to say "did") and now there are no more roots! It makes my hair feel longer... double bonus! It is growing out slowly but surely.

Did I mention SLOWLY?

4. My bed. I have been super tired lately! I don't know what my problem is but grandma over here might just have to start going to bed even earlier!

Note that my side has 2 extra blankets on it. That is standard, I HATE being cold.

I do NOT miss my job for that reason. My office was a FREEZER!

5. The pretty flowers Ben gave me for our Anniversary! He caught me off guard during our cleaning frenzy, so sweet. Fresh flowers are so fun to have in the house.

6. Brussel sprouts. Yup, you heard me. I ate a whole bag of them by myself. I made them the same way as the Blackened Broccoli except I used coconut oil instead of olive oil and squeezed 1/2 a lemon in there too.

 SO good. Please try. I agree with Monica that most veggies are even BETTER roasted. Mmm!


I found out what the "Battle Station" was. During our cleaning of the house Ben found an extra monitor that I tried to giveaway but he INSISTED that we needed it. Despite the fact it has been sitting in the attic for 4 years. Of course not till I want to throw it away does anyone see a use for it. I think it just hurts Ben to get rid of electronics.

But here is the Battle Station in all it's glory.

A clean desk area with a double monitor set up. I can appreciate that, and it's actually really nice. Ben is LOVING it. I think he was there for at least 4 hours today. "Battling" what... I am not quite sure.

Don't be confused with what he is calling it. He isn't a gamer at all. He is actually using it to study a textbook online he is reading. That's my little engineer.

I just thought that was funny... he really had my imagination wondering.

Are you strict about what you wear to workout? 
I can't STAND to be in the gym with a shirt on that has sleeves. Tank tops all the way. This really is a first for me with this shirt today. This MAY be the only one I can handle though.

Is your workout wardrobe bigger than your REAL one???
I kinda wish mine was sometimes. There are so many cute options out there! Sometimes it is way more fun to buy that stuff too. What does that say about me... oh man... totally workout nerd.

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