Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Road Trip Recap

80 minutes of Yoga

Sometimes I have a hard time wrapping my brain around Yoga being a "workout." I am trying to incorporate it more to focus on stretching and relaxing my muscles. Doesn't it always feel so good after you finish? I am all loosey goosey now. I think it is all worth it for the Savasana at the end... that is the BEST part.

If you haven't entered the Giveaway yet there is still time! All that yummy food could be yours! ;)

Driving through Colorado and Kansas was new countryside for me. Colorado was... um... not that exciting. Sorry if you live there. Kansas on the other hand was beautiful! I got to see the stereo-typical view of the grassy fields with the lone windmill which was great but then the greenery and tree filled part was so pretty too! The sky really IS bigger out there. It felt very "All American."

We decided to grab a rental for the journey which I am so glad we did. First of all, the Charger has a LOT more get up than the Honda plus it was pretty fun to drive. And not having to wash all the bugs off your car and have to deal with cleaning it all out once you get home... priceless.

The boys were in the back for a lot of time which was funny since they were a little more squished than us girlies would have been.

They were in technology HEAVEN though back there. There was a laptop, iPad, cell phones apps and movies going like the WHOLE time. The amount of chargers for the electronic gadgets we had in the car was ridiculous.

Wendy's was eaten not once but TWICE on the trip over. It was kind of an accident. First time was legit...

But the second time it happened to be one of the ONLY places in the dinky town we stopped in for dinner. I planned some meals out ahead of time so I missed out on the burger binge but I secretly think they loved it.

Ben told me he had a hamburger the first time and a chicken sandwich the second so that was balanced right?

I packed a salad for lunch and put the separate toppings and dressing in plastic baggies so they wouldn't get soggy.

During Wendy's trip #2, I had Wheaties with bananas and Almond Milk. I don't know how I cut up my banana and got it all in there without spilling anything while we were on the move. It might not look cramped in this photo but there was like nowhere to put anything.

I also started reading The Long Run, which so far is pretty incredible. I am a sucker for a good inspirational story.

Road trips are fun until you hit that point where all of a sudden you just need to be OUT of the car. Usually for me that is when I am super tired and can't stay asleep because I can't get comfy. Fortunately we got to the parents house not too long after that.

If you HAD to have fast food on a trip, where would you choose to stop???
Dietary restrictions aside, I LOVE me some Taco Bell. Basically I could just eat a whole Nachos Bell Grande myself and be happy. Yum!

Are you a good long distance driver???
I usually last about 3 hours and then I am pooped. Time for a nap. Ben always gives me a hard time about that because he usually ends up driving all the rest of the way. Opps! I am proud to say I pulled my weight this time, probably because Heather and I were chatting it up in the front seats.

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