Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Kale Chips

45 min spin class
3 mile run
20 min elliptical

I felt a little more energetic at the gym this morning so I wanted to make the most of it and get in some good cardio. The past 2 mornings I have been feeling pretty wiped out. Hopefully those days are behind me and my energy is back on the rise.

I had some questions about Kale Chips! 
They are great if you haven't tried them yet. 

Let me just tell you a few wonders about kale before we get started.

-LOTS of fiber!
-High in Vitamins A, C and B6
-Also contains folate, manganese and potassium
-Great source of calcium which helps bone density
-Helps keep cholesterol down
-Helps keep you regular (YOU know what I am talking about...)
-And is a powerful antioxidant

Kale is a staple on the Candida Diet. I eat about as much of it and broccoli as I can. Good thing I was already familiar and comfortable with it from my vegan days, so it isn't a foreign food to me. 

Kale chips are yummy but also give you some crunch and crispiness to your meal that you may be missing if you aren't having carbs. That is what I have been doing anyways. ;)

It is about the simplest recipe!



-Olive oil or Coconut Oil

First wash and dry your kale as much as possible. Rip off the leaves from the stems into medium sized pieces until you have a nice bowl full. You don't want to get the main middle stem in there, it is really tough and you won't enjoy that.

Then sprinkle your oil and a little salt over the top of your kale and massage it into the leaves. Do this until you have covered your leaves and mixed it throughly. You don't need a lot of oil, just enough to get a little on each piece. 

Then spread it out on a baking sheet and broil it in the oven watching it closely. It will go faster depending on how close you have your pan to the flame, so times will vary a lot. I usually leave mine in for about 4-5 mins and then pull the pan out and toss the kale around to get an even broiling. Then I put them back in until they are done. Your leaves will start to turn black on bits but that is what you want. Just don't burn ALL of it. You want them to be dry and crumbly when you pop them in your mouth. 

They are a great way to fill up your plate and all the fiber gets your jaw going! Again, Ben thought these were pretty good, so maybe YOUR husband will even give them a try. ;)

Are you pro naps or anti naps???
I usually am against them. I would rather get through the day and focus on going to bed early and getting a solid nights sleep to feel better than chop up my day with a nap. If I DO nap I prefer 20-30 min power nap, otherwise I am a up ALL night! With all my sleepiness of late, I am all about naps right now. I might be feeling one coming on RIGHT now. ;)

Does anyone know where I can find the Biggest Loser finale online to watch!?!
Hulu hasn't posted it yet and neither has CastTV. Those are my go-to's. Maybe I just need to be more patient and they will be up soon?

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