Tuesday, March 22, 2011

8 mile run
10 mins stretching & rolling
35 mins weights - shoulders & back 

This is KINDA what it looks like when I head out to run in the morning. Except pretend there is no flash from the camera to brighten things up. It's dark. And I had to hide behind the tree a little because when those gusty winds blew, it was a little chilly. Even with my gloves on, my hands were still cold! Though Ben says my hands are always cold, so what else is new right? 

And I will just get something out there now... When I wake up in the morning to hit my workout I basically roll out of bed, put on clothes and walk out the door. No face washing, no brushing of hair or teeth (sh!) and I leave. So yes, I know what I look like. Really though, when I'm not wearing make-up I think I look just like my brother. Compliment to brother? Dis on me? Go figure.
As part of my breakfast when I get home I usually have a protein shake mixed with magical ingredients. Today it was protein powder, water, rice milk, glutamine, some banana and a TB of chia seeds.  Today it went along with some oatmeal and dates.

Some people love protein shakes and others just choke them down (BEN). He can't stand the consistency of the protein. He is convinced I have lost all my taste buds and doesn't know how I can drink such things. Sometimes I will whip him one up in the morning when I make mine and he will act like I am making him drink broccoli. Last time I threw in a few swirls of Hershey Syrup. He had no problem putting that one away. He will come around. :)

Dinner last night was comfort food. I was cold all day yesterday! And despite the teasing sun peeking through the clouds, it was NOT lovely weather outside.

Wind wind go away! Enough already! (PS, you BETTER be gone on Saturday for my 20 miler)

Hence the pancakes last night. Whole wheat and oats mixed with cinnamon and cloves. Yes please. Toppings included apple and triple berry jam and bananas and PB. If you think I am wacky for putting apples on top of my pancakes, you need to try it. So refreshing! Had some eggs on the side with fresh parsley for some protein and .... mmm ... hit the spot.

Then I went and hid under a blanket and watched shows with Ben while I noodled around on the computer. Time well spent... well wasted... well what? 

In true grandma fashion I was spent when 9pm rolled around.

Here is to hoping for sunshine and no more wind! Spring is ALMOST here. :)

I am off to eat one of these for lunch. You BET that is an enormous salad.

If you see me at the gym, please don't judge my lack of teeth brushing. PROMISE I have a good excuse. Is there such a thing as a good excuse? ha. 

When I brush them and then go running I get toothpaste dry mouth and it drives me crazy! Then I am sucking down the water the whole time. No good. I mean, I never even get close enough to anyone that it matters right?

Do you brush your teeth before you hit the gym?

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