Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Couch Potato

5.1 mile run
30 min elliptical
40 min weights - shoulders/biceps/triceps

Our run was BEAUTIFUL this morning! There were so many stars out! I know, that makes it sound like we ran at like 3am, but don't worry, it was only 5am.

I got to spend my elliptical time chatting with my amazing sister-in-law, Heather. That was a pleasant surprise! I think I made her stay longer than she was planning because I was chatting her ear off and didn't want her to leave. 

My legs are definitely enjoying the extra stretching. They feel nice and RELAXED right now. Mmmm... almost so relaxed I could just snuggle up with a blanket and just read a book all day. That is probably me never wanting to have to go to work again though. Which for me, is like EVERY day.


Yesterday I came home and saw this...

I LOVE getting magazines. I seriously have a hard time signing up for them, something to do with how I was raised I think. Magazines were just something you looked at in the doctors office or what kids sold for fundraisers. But really, how fun are they to get!? I think it is a bomb gift too... so if you want to do something nice for me... let's just say I have a few magazines on my list I wouldn't mind getting.

Then I whipped up a tasty snack. PB Protein Balls.

I will hook you up with the recipe soon.

Ben PREPPED some chicken for the next couple days too. Thanks Babe!

Do you prep food for the week? I do it all the time. I prep stuff for dinners when I know I won't have time later in the week, prep lunches and take them to work, or even prep a meal and freeze it for an emergency. A hungry stomach emergency that is.  It is so much easier to make healthy choices when you have things ready to go and planned.

Unfortunately though, then this happened.

I died on the couch. Really. Ben wanted to get out of the house and do some stuff but I couldn't peel myself off the couch. It is the lamest thing, when you are so EXHAUSTED from your day of sitting at your DESK JOB all day STARING AT A COMPUTER that it sucks all of the life out of you. Then, once you get home, all you want to do is lay around and end up staring at screens anyway. Either computer or tv. Talk about feeling like a slug.

We ended up spending the night looking up vacation ideas. I think we finally might have made some headway in this area. It is crazy to try to plan it out when you are keeping EVERYTHING an option. We cut the list down though and hopefully we will settle on something soon. But REALLY, it would just be nice to have the Navy tells us when Ben is going to OCS (boot camp). Then we can really book some dates. Come on Navy... don't be hard to work with. Jk, we should find out very soon.


On another note, I totally forgot to brush my teeth this morning. Don't worry, I put on some minty minty lip gloss this morning. So it is basically just as good. I would totally rather forget to brush my teeth than forget to put deodorant on. I HATE when I do that. Not that it happens real often, but it is pretty annoying when I do. It's easier to not get into too close of a conversation with someone than to be worried all day you are going to start sweating. This of course is coming from the girl who never brushes her teeth before she goes to the gym anyway.

Which would you rather? No deodorant or forget to brush your teeth!?

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