Friday, April 1, 2011

Bump It Up!

4.2 mile run
40 min weights - chest/biceps/triceps
10 min abs
20 min elliptical

Good thing YOU stopped me from being a little lazy today! I posted that I was going to bump up my resistance for my weight routine today so I had to do it! I am SO GLAD that kept me accountable. :)

When I work a muscle group, I do at least 3 different exercises per group. Lately I have been doing 3 sets of 15 reps for each exercise. To challenge my muscles, I increased the weight for the 2nd set for each of the exercises. When I felt like I could continue on the 3rd set with heavier weights I did.

Basically I listened to my body and pushed myself, but made sure I didn't over do it. I want my arms to feel TIRED and HEAVY but not to the point where I wake up tomorrow and can't blow dry my hair.

Switching things up even a LITTLE makes a difference.

Yesterday's lunch.
Romaine with cucumbers, tomatoes, black beans, water chestnuts, canned chicken and balsamic vinegar. That is my staple salad dressing. So tasty and super good for you.

Some GOODS grabbed at Costco yesterday while waiting for my passport photo. Green beans, tomatoes, PB, almond butter, calcium supplements (this anti-lactose girl needs those), canned chicken, REAL maple syrup (so excited, have been wanting to get some for a while), toothpaste and Q-tips.

When I came home I had a fun package waiting for me! That is a, "Ben, hurry up and take a picture of me so I can open my packages!" face.
I ordered some workout clothes from Champion. I have been wanting to get a new top for the SLC Marathon, but haven't been able to find anything like I was envisioning. Then I realized I was just looking everywhere for the same top SkinnyRunner has because it looks SOOO comfy! I don't know why I was trying to reinvent the wheel, so I just went online and grabbed it.

It did NOT disappoint. Really it is exactly what I wanted. Stretchy, comfy and flattering.
 Did I mention I ordered 2? Better safe than sorry right!?

  As a wildcard I ordered a hoodie that looked promising. 
Unfortunately they didn't mention on the description that it gave you flappy chicken arms. Ben thought that was cool cause it makes your triceps look huge.
 Not exactly what I am going for.

So that will be returned, but score with the tops!

Ben, ever so sweetly, asked me to make him a treat last night which lead to the creation of these little monsters. Originally there were 6, so they must have tasted good.

This is my take on rice krispies, when you don't have any crispy rice.

Melt a little butter, marshmallows, pb, chocolate chips and vanilla. Then toss in some plain cheerios, puffed millet cereal and smash up some pretzels. And just for good measure I tossed in some peanut M&Ms and a crushed up a fun size Butterfinger. Holy sugar rush.
Just in Ben's defense, he didn't eat all 4 last night. He shared with Logan. :)


Do you buy a lot of things online? Are you usually happy with them?

I am always a scaredy cat unless I have seen it in person.

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