Monday, April 4, 2011

Mambo Italiano

4 mile run
20 min elliptical
20 min weights for back
30 min all abs class
20 min stretching

It's happening! It's taper time. :(  I know, I know. I am going to try to just chill, enjoy it and get some fun cross training in. Today I threw in some elliptical and an abs class. Normally I get kinda bugged about not being able to run as much as I would like to and have been. It is weird to go from logging tons of miles and long runs, to then wake up and only run 4 miles. Going from feeling like a ROCKSTAR to being told you CAN'T run. Anyone feel me on this?

I made a goal this week to take my focus off the actually "RUNNING" part, since I won't be doing a whole lot of that this week or next. My goal is to spend extra time STRETCHING everyday. I want to get 15-20 min of good stretching, foam rolling, stick rolling, etc. in everyday.
It is like a little bit of ME time in the training schedule. It will definitely be a conscious effort to make sure I get enough in each day, but I know it will FEEL really good and help my legs feel REFRESHED next week.

I just wanted to take a quick second to say THANK YOU for each and every comment I have received on the bloggy. Each time I get a little message in my email, it is like CHRISTMAS! It makes my day! I appreciate each and every response I get. Thanks guys!


As it has been noted, my stomach dictates what is made in the kitchen. Last night, my tummy wanted eggs.

Reason #135 that I love the internet. I can type in, "eggs for dinner" and I get a ton of recipes to pop up. And Google knows me so well, that it pulls up HEALTHY "eggs for dinner" recipes. Google, we have a good thing going. Never change.

I took inspiration from this recipe of EGGS ITALIANO and flew with it.

I don't know about you, but the word "ITALIANO" makes me want to turn on some Italian music and dance around the kitchen.

Eggs Italiano

This was my first time poaching eggs and it was actually super easy.

I used some homemade bread in lieu of the english muffin and subbed asparagus for zucchini and nutritional yeast for parmesan cheese. You know me, I don't measure things, it's more exciting that way.

I poached a couple extra egg whites on the side with the extra veggies. Protein protein PROTEIN! Gotta get it in!
When YOU are tapering, what do YOU do to fill the running void???

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