Friday, April 15, 2011

Fancy Free Friday

WORKOUT: (Courtesy of Ben today!)
1.5 mile run
3 Sets of Wide Grip Lat Pull-down (10 Reps each)
3 Sets of Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press (8 Reps each)
3 Sets of Bent Over Row (8 Reps each)
100 Sit-ups

Remember my workout was sleeping today. 
So I got a lovely 8.5 hours of sleep... er... I mean "working out" in.


Dinner last night.
 Brown rice, black beans, tomato and shrimp cooked in lemon juice and garlic. I put it all on a bed of spinach and squeezed a fresh lime over the top.
Dessert was Cheerios. 
I think cold cereal is my comfort food and that's not necessarily a good thing. 

I have really been trying not to eat cold cereal. I used to eat it ALL THE TIME, but now it is a rarity. Why? One reason is I am trying to stay away from processed foods as much as possible. Another reason is that it is HARD for me to just eat 1 bowl. I think we all have things where we have a hard time sticking to the portion size. Cereal is that for me. I don't like having foods like that in the house. I don't buy them. Like if there were Circus Animal Cookies, cinnamon rolls and waffles laying around my house all the time... I would weigh 500 pounds.

I ramble. Point is, I have set a goal not to buy it. I am just eating up the leftover remnants of HEALTHY cereal I still have left in the cupboards. THIS is not exactly healthy cereal though. This is Ben's Honey Nut Cheerios, which I totally raided his stash for.

Ben loves the sugary kid cereals. Which isn't a problem having in the house because they usually contain soy or dairy. So there is no temptation. These Cheerios were free and clear though, so they didn't stand a chance. But when push comes to shove a bowl of cereal is a better choice than eating 5 cookies.

Question: How do you feel after you eat cereal? Fine? Do you wish later you would have had something more nutritious? It makes me feel kinda icky. Sometimes I need to eat it to remind myself that there is a GOOD reason I usually steer clear. Thoughts?

 I took work off today, early weekend for me! Why? Because it is SOOO far to drive to Salt Lake for the race tomorrow? No. Because I can. So I did. Loving my decision. 

We decided to go spend the day up in Salt Lake today visiting the race expo, perusing some outdoor shopping and enjoying the BEAUTIFUL day before heading up to spend the night at my parents. Staying with them will save me from getting up so early tomorrow. Plus I get to see the fam. Bonus.

I laid out all my gear. Check. Check.
Clockwise: Spibelt, new top, trusty hat, random clothes to keep warm, shoes, selection of bottoms (waiting to see how chilly it will be tomorrow), gels, glide and ipod.

Breakfast this morning. Protein power shake and a mango.

And we are outta here!

If you are racing this weekend, SLC, Boston or wherever... have a FABULOUS race!

Enjoy being outside and feeling alive! And remember to be thankful for an amazing body that lets you pursue and enjoy the things you love! 


Are you racing this weekend?!

What foods makes YOU feel icky when you eat them?

What foods are hard for you to stick to the portion sizes???

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