Friday, May 20, 2011

Blackened Broccoli

YESTERDAY'S WORKOUT: (I TOTALLY forgot to post this, opps!)
45 spin class
45 min weights

So far the tendon is feeling okay with spinning, which is great. No running yet, but I will spin my little heart out until then. It just isn't the same when you don't leave the gym all sweaty. I admit, I love a good sweat. 

I am on a bit of a broccoli kick right now. It's just so delicious AND nutritious!

Let's just review a few of the reasons why we should ALL be chomping down on broccoli!

-It is a great source of FIBER
-Contains lots of vitamin K, potassium, folate and iron
-It is a super low carb veggie... so you just eat up as much of it as you want!
-It contains more vitamin C than an orange
-Has as much calcium as milk
-Contains lots of powerful cancer fighting power

And there is a LOT more! If you are trying to cut down on carbs, a great way to fill up your plate is by piling it high with broccoli.

I know some of us do not particularly LIKE broccoli but maybe that is because you just haven't found a WAY you enjoy it yet. Right!?! Cause why wouldn't you love it???

This is one of my favorite ways to enjoy it. SO good!


You only need 4 ingredients.

-olive oil
-LOTS of garlic

Chop up your broccoli and drizzle it all with olive oil. Add some pepper and a HUGE glob of garlic. Don't be scared, you want it to be ALL over your broccoli when you mix it up. Once you roast this the garlic is SUPER tamed and takes on a really delightful flavor. So don't be shy.

Once you toss it all together, spread it out on a baking sheet and put it in the oven to broil. Broiling times will vary based on how high up you put your sheet. I recommend getting pretty close to the flame. I am impatient, so the quicker the better!

Check it every 5 mins or so. At about the 1/2 way point give everything a good turn to blacken up the other side. Remember, it is supposed to get a little chard in the oven. Don't burn it to a crisp, but those blackened bits are what give it it's tasty popcorn flavor. (At least that is what I think it tastes like, you will have to let me know what you think.)

(Notice how it should shrivel up a little bit from the pre-broiled photo.)

I could probably eat a whole pan of this myself. And really... reviewing those FABULOUS facts about it, next time I just might. 

If your a broccoli hater, give it a try! You might just find out you secretly LOVE it. Ben isn't much of a fan but he said it was "really good" for broccoli. Take that for whatever that is worth. ;)

What food have you tried as an adult that you used to hate and found out you now love?!?
I never tried brussel sprouts till I was an adult. We just never ate them growing up. I don't know what all the fuss is about... I think they are great!

Were you surprised at some of broccoli's AWESOME qualities???
We stereo-type fruits and veggies thinking... if I want potassium I will HAVE to have a banana. Or if I am not feeling well I better have some OJ for the vitamin C right? You never think to go have some broccoli. And calcium? I need a lot of that in my diet since I can't eat dairy. So good thing I love this!

Random note: Ben just went in the other room and told me he was going to set up his "Battle Station." I am scared. I have no idea what that means.

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