Thursday, May 5, 2011

My house is a stinky house

It's TRUE. It really is.
It smells like a nail salon x100 in there.
I probably lost about a billion brain cells risking my life to take a shower.

Today there is some serious home repair going on.
Over the weekend we had some plumbing issues. It is exciting when you go to turn on the faucet and the knob comes off and water starts shooting everywhere. Woo! Party!

We though we had it under control until I wandered downstairs right before going to bed to a loud spraying sound. Hmm... what's that? Oh... just the facet again, trying to flood the house. No big deal.

That could have been ugly, but no harm done.

So Mr. Plumber is banging away in the bathroom, but the real STINKER is the floor man.

Two rooms are having the hardwood floors refinished.

Phew! I am excited to see them done, but until then... I think I will be sitting on the porch.

It's much safer out here.

Recent eats of a GINORMO salad.

Spinach, cucumber, tomato, carrot, pinto beans, pineapple, chicken and lime.
I cooked the chicken with lime juice, garlic and coriander.

The fresh lime and a little pineapple juice was a nice light dressing.

Ben gets sad sometimes that I don't take a picture of HIS food. So here is the more manly version.

Same thing except minus the cucumber and pineapple and add in lots of avocado and salsa.

I recently found out the Ben doesn't like cucumbers. They make his stomach a little upset I guess. It will be our 4 year anniversary this month? How did I not know that?!? Ha.


Do you love the smell of gas, nail salons or permanent markers?
I DO admit these all smell kinda good to me... but only for about 5 seconds, then they make me sick. Thank goodness right?

What is something you found out about someone you have known forever that you don't know how you missed???
I will now stop trying to kill Ben with cucumbers. Sorry babe.

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