Sunday, May 8, 2011


Talk about working hard your whole life and deserving every second of retirement.

He is such a good example of how to work hard. I am so thankful that he taught me that work wasn't something to dread and that it is BOTH fulfilling and very satisfying. 

That MIGHT sound silly to you, but how good do YOU feel when you cross the finish line of a race???
That is some HARD work that sure feels good!

Parents are so supportive and there for US, the kids, ALL the time. I am so glad that we could get together and celebrate with them on such a huge milestone! Parents don't get enough parties.

We celebrated in Salt Lake at the Market Street Grill. I was excited about all the seafood options!

I got my Dad to wear the party hat in the goody bag I brought him! That lasted for about 30 seconds but it totally made my day.

Green salad with raspberry vinaigrette.

If they saw what MY salads usually look like, I think they would freak out. 2 cherry tomatoes and 1 slice of cucumber? Really!?!

Ben opted for the clam chowder which was apparently REALLY good, cause everyone kept talking about it.

I went with the Hawaiian Swordfish with Pineapple Salsa. Flown in from Hawaii that morning mind you. Fancy-smanchy.

The pineapple salsa was really yummy. Don't ask me why there are fries on my plate. That was so random of me. They WERE really good though.

Ben had the Alaskan Halibut with Dill Tarter Sauce.

The desserts looked pretty amazing too. They arrived in all their glory but by the time I came back from the bathroom there was no picture left to take. Crumbs people. So I guess that says it all.

Good times, GREAT times!
Happy retirement Dad! We love you!


Would you rather eat the salad they served me here? Or one of MY salad BEASTS!?!
I will still be your friend if you don't choose me, but I MIGHT think you are nutz.

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